Featured Products

Trane Comfort Link II Color Touch screen Thermostat

This is not just a thermostat. It’s an energy command center. Trane ComfortLink™ II is an easy-to-use, programmable control that gives you remote access, live weather, integrates with Nexia home automation, turns into a picture frame, and more, all on a beautiful color touch-screen display.

Trane Clean Effects Air Filtration

Trane CleanEffects™ uses breakthrough, patented technology which has been performance verified by professors from the Harvard School of Public Health. Trane CleanEffects™ removes more airborne allergens from the filtered air in your home than any other air cleaning system, up to 100 times more than a standard 1" filter.


Nexia Automation

New Zwave Technology allows home automation and remote control...

We offer total home automation solutions from Nexia.

Be in two places at once. Unlock your front door from half a world away. Check on your pets during the day. Sit in a meeting and know your children are home safe.

Nexia™ Home Intelligence helps you stay connected to your home and the people and possessions you hold dear—all from a single app.


Honeywell Zoning Systems

You Don’t Use One Switch to Turn On Every Light.
You Don’t Use One Handle to Turn On Every Faucet.
So Why Use Just One Thermostat For Your Entire Home?
Home Temperature Zoning is simply the process of dividing your home into different zones, or areas, and then heating or cooling them as needed. It’s the ideal way to eliminate hot and cold spots. Plus, zoning systems save energy by heating and cooling only the areas of your home that you’re using.

Theft Prevention

Copper Watcher™ A/C Security System

The Copper Watcher™ A/C Security System protects residential and commercial A/C systems from copper theft while also monitoring refrigerant pressure, voltage and all communication wires. Copper Watcher communicates with and is monitored by your existing alarm service. The alarm system will trigger following a power loss or upon tampering with the refrigerant copper line. Copper Watcher installs in minutes and is ideal for homes, strip malls, office suites, churches, schools and more.